"A2" alom / litter
HCM gen N/N, HCM echo'17 negative,
PKD gen N/N, PKD echo'17 negative,
SMA gen negative,
PRA gen negative
(12 hetesek / they are 12 weeks old)
Gender | Name | Color | Status | Photo |
Adamo Amigo | Red cl. tabby w. white/ Vörös kl. cirmos fehérrel (d 09 22) |
lives with Györgyi in Hungary |
Arabian Princess | Black&white/ Fekete-fehér (n 09) |
stay with us |
Andromeda Diosa | Black cl. tabby w. white/ Fekete kl. cirmos fehérrel (n 09 22) |
lives with Wolfgang in Austria |
A'Bulldozer | Red cl. tabby w. white/ Vörös kl. cirmos fehérrel (d 09 22) |
Elkelt/Sold |
Aurora Borealis | Black cl.torbie w. white/ Fekete cl. cirmos teknőc fehérrel (f 09 22) |
lives with Anett and Zoltán in Hungary |
Autumn Beast | Black cl. tabby w. white/ Fekete kl. cirmos fehérrel (n 09 22) |
lives with Eszty and Roland in Hungary |
Ambrosio Hero | Red cl. tabby w. white/ Vörös kl. cirmos fehérrel (d 09 22) |
lives with Adrienn in Hungary |
Armageddon | Black&white/ Fekete-fehér (n 09) |
lives with Cari and Ryan in Washington, USA